There is a growing global commitment to health and the need to increase the number of years spent in good health and well-being
"Self-care is the first line of defence in health care, between our daily lives and the health care system. It is not a substitute for the health system, but a complement to traditional health care ..."
Participants in the Lifestyle Programme increase their active involvement in developing and maintaining their own health through digital connections. The programme provides safe access to products and activities, maintains motivation, and fosters health engagement by creating community spaces.
Risk assessment is a great way to prevent serious diseases.
The analysis of health data from digital devices is an increasingly important element of modern and effective health management. It enables better management of our health and well-being, with a focus on prevention, early detection and treatment of potential health problems.
In the case of established illness, we can help people regain their active lifestyle thanks to our innovative, personalised rehabilitation procedures.
Technological innovations continue to evolve and become part of our everyday lives at an extraordinary pace.
Wearable devices, modern home measuring devices and data from machines used in treatment are providing extraordinary support for prevention, early diagnosis and rehabilitation.
Full digitalisation also means that personal presence is only required to the extent necessary. Education, consultations or access to credible information can be done in our own time and space without a personal presence.
Within the Smart Care programme, promoting self-care skills is a priority.
Chronic diseases, unlike acute diseases, tend to start slowly, often unnoticed, and progress much more slowly over time; in many cases they are not cured in the classical sense, but can be kept in balance, often requiring lifelong treatment and care.
For most chronic diseases, self-care and lifestyle changes are more likely to bring improvement than medication.
The biggest challenge is to maintain motivation. The innovative solutions offered by digital technology are a powerful response. They make it possible to objectively measure progress, formulate new objectives and adapt them to the current situation.
We can find out about quality activities that suit our physical condition and preferences, try out different forms of exercise and, in addition to the experience of lifestyle change, get involved in new communities.
The age structure of the European Union is changing as life expectancy increases and the number of elderly people rises. But the crucial question is whether the extra years of life gained through increased longevity will be spent in good or bad health.
As we get older, we are more likely to suffer from several diseases at the same time, which requires significant changes in lifestyle compared to what we were used to.
Smart Care's Comprehensive Lifestyle Program helps to stabilise, maintain and restore health, increasing overall longevity and improving quality of life.
Smart offers interactive lectures and online meetings with experts. By connecting communities, it helps to successfully carry out lifestyle changes, turn new forms of behavior into habits, and integrate them into the everyday life of the individual.
The primary aim of Smart Care is to increase our control over our own health.
For some elements we are familiar with, yet for others we may need more guidance and support before we can adopt and use them independently.
The Smart Care elements overcome problems of distance and isolation, provide health promotion suggestions, complex programmes and a national network to support rehabilitation. They provide us with quality and reliable information and empower us to improve our quality of life.
Consuming news has become part of our everyday lives. A variety of health promotion content is flooding the information channels. Smart Care rates connected service providers according to a common set of criteria, shows user satisfaction and allows you to flag false or inappropriate information in a wide range of information.
The primary goal is to present the possibilities inherent in the digital world and to incorporate the discovered advantages into our daily lives.
SmartCare Rehabilitation Centres and Units are equipped with specialised strength and cardio training aids designed for rehabilitation and health maintenance, as well as a wide range of digitalisation measuring devices.
The programme will be designed based on on-site assessments by the case manager, a stress test and online consultations with the Smart Care medical team.
Thanks to a high level of digitisation, not only physical activity and changes in fitness and response to activity can be tracked, but the data recorded can also be used as evidence to the funder of the therapy provided.
According to the WHO definition, physical activity refers to all movement, including leisure, transport to and from places, or as part of a person's job. Physical activity of both moderate and vigorous intensity improves health.
The rehabilitation programme is designed and recorded in Smart Care based on electronic data from on-site assessments by the case manager, the physician who performed the workload assessment, and consultations via live electronic channel.
To ensure successful rehabilitation, we are assisted and guided through the planned rehabilitation programme by an Case Manager under the supervision of the Smart Care medical team.
Regular physical activity has been proven to help prevent and treat non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and many cancers. It helps prevent many diseases, improves mental health and quality of life.
The WHO recommends that we should also do higher intensity muscle strengthening activities that work all the major muscle groups 2 or more days a week, as these have additional health benefits.
The SmartCare Rehabilitation Centres and Units are specially designed for rehabilitation and health maintenance, with both strength and cardio training equipment in line with the latest research.
Education plays a very important role in the implementation of a rehabilitation programme, where we can learn how to use wearable and telemedicine devices and mobile apps, how to access authentic information, how to join online sessions, collaborative communities, how to take advantage of communication channels.
Interactive presentations and online meetings with experts will also help us to understand.
Thanks to the wide range of electronic content, we can receive educational and guidance content tailored to our personal characteristics and life situation, complemented by a range of authentic information materials. The system assesses the learning of the educational material and suggests additions according to the evaluation.
An important part of the educational programme is also the presentation of activity forms appropriate to our life situation and general condition, and the way to the selected activity forms.
Long-term success depends mostly on good doctor-patient collaboration. In the Smart Care rehabilitation programme, electronic communication channels create opportunities to successfully build relationships without our personal presence.
With online connections, we can access the support of the Smart Care team of doctors in our own time and space, participate in interactive lectures and anonymous support groups.
There is no health without mental health. Electronic channels overcome the problems of distance and isolation.
They allow us to access support programmes in supportive communities, access quality information, and, if necessary, direct access to the Smart Care group of doctors.
Credible product, service and disease information is essential to properly manage their health.
Sharing quality content with family members and friends, and recommended family and community programmes, also has an impact on our own engagement and that of those around us.
According to the WHO definition, physical activity refers to all movement, including movement at leisure, to and from places, or as part of a specific job.
With Smart Care, you can easily find out about activities and programmes that suit your physical condition and habits, and get personalised suggestions and information.
Regular physical activity has been shown to help prevent and treat conditions such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and many cancers. It can help prevent high blood pressure, maintain a healthy weight and can improve mental health, quality of life and well-being.
The WHO recommends that a healthy adult should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week. This could be 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5 days a week or at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week.
Smart Care special health promotion services help you to manage your health properly. .
Lifestyle suggestions and quality information help to prevent disease, prevent recurrence and avoid complications in the event of a disease, and overall increase longevity and improve quality of life.
Sport and recreation events and community programmes are essential to increase physical activity, where we can try out a variety of physical activities and, as well as enjoying the experience, join new communities that help to keep us motivated and provide a variety of individual and family activities.
Proposals tailored to our age and habits increase our access to quality content, events and certified health promotion services. And the presentation of feedback on events and products helps us to be well informed and strengthens the fight against misinformation and fraud.
Advances in smart sensors, innovative smart home solutions, digital communication solutions and enabling and advanced assistive technologies supported by health information technologies offer huge potential for maintaining a healthy and active life. They can make our daily lives easier, help us with basic tasks and personal care.
They promote our sense of security and independence and enable us to live independently in our own homes for longer.
Their use covers a heterogeneous range of applications, from relatively simple devices such as smart tablet dispensers, fall detectors and bedside presence sensors, to complex systems such as interactive services and ambient intelligence.
Digitalisation is a great opportunity to improve people's well-being and empower self-care
Wearable devices have been increasingly used in recent years to alert people when they may have a health problem.
For example, some smartwatches can detect if your heart rate is too high or too low, sleeping habits are not appropriate. Smart wearables are electronic devices connected to a Smart Care system that can be worn on the body as a standalone device or embedded in clothing. These include smart watches, rings and bracelets, to name a few. All of them have high processing power and a range of sophisticated sensors that provide new insights into our health parameters.
Wearable devices and smartphones can objectively and accurately measure activity and energy expenditure through a variety of sensors. Heart rate readings taken during rest and physical activity can be used to predict the risk of cardiovascular disease. And blood pressure measurement built into wearable devices can improve screening for hypertension and identify high blood pressure at night or during activity.